Monday, October 20, 2014

Quick post!

Thinking about ballet when I should be working! :D It was really inspirational to read the Remedial Ballerina's post about her third class and how she couldn't get up from a grande plie in second- I know the feeling! This is one of the reasons I want to go ahead and build up strength BEFORE I take classes. I'm learning EXACTLY what I need to work on as far as strength training, and I won't be spending class time behind because I can't keep up as far as strength goes.

Also, I spent a lot of time yesterday working on positions and moves with my leg behind my back and raised. I believe I was doing (or attempting) rear frappes and moving (low, shaky and wavering) attitudes from the front to the rear, but focusing on the rear. I was going with what seemed to work my rear the most, and to work the muscles required to lift my legs into those positions- I'm having a lot of trouble with them. Within an hour or two after I quit, my lower back was really hurting- it didn't seem to be a good ache, either. My mom brought over some sort of emu oil or something? and rubbed it in my back. My pain was pretty much gone in about twenty minute- it really helped. I will post what it was when I find out.

I need to take it a little easier on the exercises that compress my lower back- and, I think more importantly, to make sure I stretch it the opposite way, elongating it, when I do those exercises.

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