Thursday, October 30, 2014

Anteverted Hips

Since last night, I have learned that I basically have one of the, if not the, worst possible bone structures (excepting more extreme cases) possible for good turnout, the good turnout that pretty much ALL of ballet and even other forms of dance like lyrical and contemporary are based upon. I have anteverted hips. In fact, I am like the poster child for "person with anteverted hips".

I always thought it was cool that I could sit in a W shape with my knees and legs. While everyone else preferred "Indian-style" cross-legged, my body much more comfortably fell into the W shape, with my knees parallel to one another and my lower legs and feet turned outward, the heels of my feet touching my rear. I was always far less flexible than it seemed like those around me were. (To this day, my mom can still do a nearly perfect split, something I have never been able to do.) The W shape was the one flexibility thing I had down.

Turns out, I should have been working on that while my bones were still growing. I now have a swayback, caused from my anteverted hips. (The former is actually fixable. The bone structure of my hips, not so much.) Not only do have the first tell-tale sign, when my knees are perfectly straight, my feet point outwards. I will likely never achieve perfect turnout, nor even anything close (not safely, anyway). My posture's all out of whack as well, because of this.

I'll be doing a lot more research, both on anteverted hips and tibial torsion (likely because of the hips, my shin bones twist inwards as well). I know I can always work with what I have, and even go far in it, but it's just very disheartening to know that my technique is always essentially going to be substandard. 

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