Saturday, January 3, 2015

Struggling with Leg Extensions?

Who isn't struggling with leg extensions, if you're into dong ballet? It's damn hard to get legs up in the air like that!

If you're a newbie like me, you may be using the wrong muscles! I had a feeling I was, and then I came across a forum thread that totally changed how I'll be doing leg extensions from now on, because I was indeed using the wrong muscles!

I've read about how you're not supposed to use your quads when lifting the leg. For awhile, I didn't even bother trying to figure out this concept because it sounded kinda foreign. Then I happened across that post, worked through sort of like how a poster explained it, and now I can lift my leg (my right one, anyway) without using my quad so much!

I did a modified version of what was said: do a leg extension. (I did mine to the side.) Now hold it there. Hold it there for TOO long. Hold it there until your quad gives out. When your quad gives out (I had a sensation of it relaxing), the correct muscles automatically kick in, and voila! Just like that, you're using the right muscles!

So simple to do! You're welcome :)

Now height? You're on your own for that! I'm so inflexible, and am sure that I will compare myself to the young ladies I will be doing ballet with- who are 26 years younger than me and likely just naturally more flexible than I have ever been. I'll have to really work on catching myself when I compare myself, or it will totally bring me down, as it did awhile back (when I was focusing so much on my imperfections- my poor turnout, my tibial torsion- that it dragged me into this darkness where I wasn't enjoying ballet anymore). But I will be diligent in catching myself before getting dragged down, I will be diligent in working on improvements, and I will be diligent in stretching and strengthening to the best of my body's abilities.

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