Friday, January 2, 2015

My New Two-Tone Strappy Back Camisole Leotard

I've started to realize that, excepting some of the by-bid listings, it costs just as much to purchase new leotards on eBay as it is on DiscountDance (not an affiliate link, though I wish they offered affiliates!). Maybe the brands vary some, but it's most often a lower end brand(?) like Capezio or So Danca. (I don't have enough leotards to compare the differences, but am assuming a less-expensive leotard is going to be made a little less well than a more expensive one.)

Well, earlier today, I decided to check out the site in honor of my upcoming new classes (in only a few days!!) and yes, I scored 2 So Danca plain black short-sleeve leotards for $11.57 (cheaper than on eBay, even WITH shipping), but I ALSO grabbed this amazing deal by Bal Togs (which I'm assuming is a more mid-range brand based on price)... a two-tone strappy back camisole leotard! I can't wear it to class (hey, I like looking pretty when I practice at home, don't hate), but it was... $13.70, when I think they usually run around $30. This was the very last one, and it happened to be in medium. And while it's a camisole, it's not the normal kind, so if it fits right, I will feel comfy in it because the front is so high.

I'm really stocking up on leotards. I have a bit of an obsession with them. I sure as hell hope I love ballet, real actual ballet classes, as much as I'm hoping and expecting to.

Off to stretching, while my muscles are still a little warmed up from taking my dog to the park and for a walk. Cheerio!

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