Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Disappointment & Classes

More disappointment today. I've been playing around with some of the schedules from different ballet schools around here, trying to figure out costs and how to work around my work schedule. There are three ballet schools in my area. The first one at least offers adult ballet, though she hasn't gotten back to me on whether I can take more than that. I finally called the second one today. They don't take anyone over the age of 14! How disheartening. The only other one around here is very prestigious, and I did email them today, but I'm taking a bet that they won't let me take any classes either. I was polite and told them I would obey all etiquette, down to the leotard/tights requirement, but it's really not looking so great. But I will see.

There are some classes in the city closest to us, more adult classes than here I think. That city is an hour away, which is a lot of gas money to combine with class money. Still may be worth a shot once I get my bills back in order. Otherwise, I guess I'll pretty much be teaching myself ballet, unless the girl I know comes through for me (since it is her parent's studio)...

Edit: Well, it looks like I could take Thursdays, at least, in the other city. I would have to leave work early, but that could probably be arranged. It's pay-by-punch-card for adults, around $13 a class. (Private lessons are an option, as well, $45-55 for half an hour.)

...Oh, awesome! Another place has "Advanced Adult" ballet classes! $10/class. I'm not there yet, but SO awesome to know I CAN progress if I want to. (AND their beginner class is at a MUCH more doable time, AND is a whole hour and a half, from 7-8:30 on Mondays. (Which allows me to take adult here on Tuesdays, without having to trade one for the other!) They have marley floors, too :) (EDIT: AND it says that people can audition and train for the pre-professional levels if we are interested in teaching and/or dancing for the sake of dancing! If I'm not mistaken, this means I can pretty much go as far as I'd like at this place!! No matter how old I get! YESSS!!)

...And another studio accepts adults, who can take "other" ballet classes with permission (hinting that there is permission to be given if one was to progress!)

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