Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Out of practice briefly :(

Last week, I left work a little early and was heading home. I'm stopped at a stoplight, when I hear a BOOM! behind me. I immediately look into my rearview mirror, to see.... an SUV plowing towards my rear. I threw my arms up around my head and BOOM! I was hit. (The first boom was an SUV hitting the one that hit me!)

That was last Wednesday. I was extremely disoriented immediately after. I had headaches and body aches into Thursday, when I left work early to drop off my ballet payment with a note as to why I wouldn't be in class, went home, and slept until the next day. I still felt bad on Friday, so I finally went to the ER, and they told me I have post-concussion syndrome- basically, the after-effects of having one's head shaken (or hit, I was shaken only) too hard. Headaches, nausea, disorientation, etc. I went home that day and slept the day away as well.

So I missed last Thursday's class. I wanted to go and at least take notes, but I was so tired, I couldn't. I'm feeling better today (Tuesday). Still a headache, though, and some minor body aches still (left side of my body from head to bottom), but I just don't think my head can handle the bouncing from echappe sous-sus, etc. Today, I am going to go and just sit there and take notes as fast as I can. I've been wanting to do this anyway, and it's a great day to do so.

My plan is to have a little time beforehand to scribble the major ways we start an exercise (our prep) so I can just write "tendus, start a" or "start b" or whatever. Otherwise, I'm not sure I'll ever learn which ones we start with a tendu versus just fifth or whatever! And I'm especially looking forward to writing down the positions of the body when the class does that, along with the port de bras. Those two things are what I really want to know, but don't yet. I'm still having to follow the girl who is good, when I want to be able to solely focus on myself and how I am doing it when I do it. (I nearly have the port de bras, but all knowledge goes out the door when I'm at home- I can do them in class, but can't practice otherwise!) Also looking forward to getting down the order of everything- hopefully by this weekend, I will be able to get in some really great practice. I still don't know the movements themselves, and that's about to change.

I've done some plies and another leg exercise since my accident, but that's about it. This sucks and I can't wait to go back to doing ballet! On the other hand, this is also a positive thing because I will have an excuse to just take notes in class. (Provided, of course, that I am allowed! And I think I will be.)

So that's what's going on with me. I'm very grateful that I only had minor injuries- it could have been so much worse! I will be even more grateful to return to ballet. But I'm still here, and still obsessed with ballet!

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