Friday, December 8, 2017

Training Plan, Post I

I've been thinking of coming up with a training plan for the gym/ballet once I start classes at the beginning of the year. Coincidentally, while searching for something else, I came across this article, "How to Design a Training Plan" (for ballet). (That link is pretty much the sole reason for this post, but enter: some personal thoughts on what I need to work on.)

Edit: Toe strengthening exercise here

Since moving back to my hometown, I've been doing GREAT with going to the gym. I've never been able to be as consistent as I have been, and I'm extremely pleased and proud of myself. I have been focusing more on strength at the gym, and that's definitely good- but this article serves as a good reminder that I really need to focus on stretching, too! I've been doing a little, but not nearly as much as I should be doing.

Another note to self: I need to wake up earlier so I can do as I was previously at the gym- doing a full workout before even starting on ballet... and then doing a full 45-60 minutes of ballet. Lately (thanks to the colder weather, much shorter days, and ergo: depression), I've been getting up later, and haven't had the time to do both, so I've pretty much only done ballet, with like 10-15 minutes of cardio (ugh). This needs to change.

Speaking of cardio, I'm already dreading ballet class jumps. I really need to work on my endurance- I recall from class that my jumps have never been high enough, and I feel like an elephant trying to get my feet off the ground. My body just feels so heavy when it comes to jumping (and I'm not talking jetes or anything fancy), and the fact that it's so cardio does not help. But: I WILL IMPROVE.

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